Contact Us (410) 980-7855
Are you ready to run with the pack? Get your pup started today!

Private Walks

Why Choose Private Walks?

Personal Attention: Your pup deserves undivided attention, and our private walks ensure they receive just that. Our experienced and dedicated dog walkers focus solely on your pet, catering to their specific needs, preferences, and pace.

Safety First: In light of recent concerns about the canine influenza and the evolving needs of our clients, private walks offer a safer alternative to traditional pack walks. Minimize exposure, reduce stress, and enhance the overall well-being of your dog in a controlled, one-on-one environment.

Customized Routes: Private walks allow for flexibility in choosing routes that best suit your dog’s comfort, size, age and enjoyment. Whether it’s a leisurely stroll through the neighborhood or a more adventurous path, we tailor the experience to your pup’s liking.

Building Trust: For dogs that may be shy, anxious, or simply prefer individual attention, private walks foster a stronger bond between our walkers and your pet. Trust is built at their own pace, creating a positive and stress-free experience.

Ready to elevate your dog’s walking experience? Choose our Private Walks service and treat your furry companion to a personalized, safe, and enjoyable outing.

Contact us today to schedule a private walk that caters specifically to your pup’s needs.

Single Half Hour Walk – $35